Essentials of the Italian road traffic regulations
As of: December 2019
Fines in Italy can be higher than in Germany. In order to make you more familiar with the Italian "Conditions", the most important information on the Italian Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) are listed below. If you follow the rules, you will not only be easy on your wallet, but also spend a relaxing holiday.
Important information in advance:

- Fines abroad can also be enforced in Germany (i.e. demanded by German authorities) from 70 euros! As a rule, this does not include minor offenses such as illegal parking or similar, since they usually do not “cost” more than 70 euros. Nevertheless, it should be noted that other standards may be applied abroad - apparently trifles in Italy can be really expensive, and the authorities also have a lot of leeway when it comes to imposing a fine. Since 2013, an EU directive has also enabled the authorities to exchange owner information across borders.
- Incidentally, according to Article 201 of the "Nuovo codice della strada", foreigners must be served with the fine notice within 360 days if the violation could not be held directly on site. So there is a kind of “statute of limitations”.
- The amount of the administrative fines or fines in Italy is reassessed every 2 years and is based on the inflation rate. The so-called "New Road Traffic Regulations" / Legislative Decree of April 30, 1992, No. 285 is therefore regularly updated and is by no means up to date in 1992.
- Italy has a driver's licensepoints system introduced, which since 2010 also applies to tourists, provided they are EU citizens, in accordance with Article 118, Paragraph 1 of the Road Traffic Regulations. The initial point account consists of 20 points; Depending on the violation, 1 to 10 points will be deducted. After 2 years without losing points, the points account will be replenished to 20 points. (Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada)
For Germans traveling in Italy, the loss of 20 points means a driving ban in Italy according to the following scale:
Loss within one year: driving ban for 2 years
Loss within two years: driving ban for 1 year
Loss within 2-3 years: driving ban for 6 months
The German point system remains unaffected. A driving ban only applies within Italy.
1. Over speeding
Exceeding up to 20 km / h:
ab 175,00 €
Exceeding 50 km / h:
ab 545,00 €
Speed | In town | Out of town | Expressway | Highway |
Pkw | 50 km/h | 90 km/h | 110 km/h | 130 km/h |
Teams | 50 | 70 | 70 | 80 |
Mobile homes <3,5 to | 50 | 90 | 110 | 130 |
Mobile homes> 3,5 to | 50 | 80 | 80 | 100 |
Truck> 3,5 to | 50 | 80 | 80 | 100 |
Truck> 12 to | 50 | 70 | 80 | 80 |
Omnibuses | 50 | 80 | 80 | 100 |
If specially marked, you can drive 150 km / h on three-lane motorways. In rain or snow, you have to drive 20 km / h slower! (110 instead of 130 and 90 instead of 110)
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
2. U-turns on motorways / expressways, driving over the median
This is not to be trifled with in Italy. The fines are hefty: 2.004,00 € up to 8.017,00 €, plus 2 - 6 months driving ban,
in extreme cases, confiscation of the car for 3 months and 10 points
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
3. Reversing on hard shoulder, at toll booths, unauthorized driving on hard shoulder
422,00 € up to 1.695,00 € and 10 points This also applies to driving through toll booths without paying.
If you have wrongly classified yourself at a toll station, do not turn around, but press the call button, and you will be helped!
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
4. Passing a red light
ab 175,00 € and 6 points
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
5. Driving without the low beam
Mopeds and motorcycles must always drive with dipped headlights.
Cars and trucks must drive with dipped headlights outside built-up areas during the day.
41,00 € up to 169,00 €
The use of the low beam is mandatory for all vehicles on motorways and outside built-up areas during the day.
The rear fog light may only be used when visibility is less than 50 m, as in Germany.
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
6. Parking in black / yellow parking areas or when parking is prohibited
24,00 € up to 98,00 € for two-wheeled motorcycles; away 40, 00 € for all other vehicles
Meaning of the different colored curbs:
- White: You can park here for free
- Blue: Paid parking
- Black yellow: Parking is prohibited here
- Yellow: Parking space is reserved for buses, taxis, etc.
- Green: In some cities there are designated green parking areas: There are temporary parking bans here.
Parking facilities for the severely disabled:
Foreign disabled people are entitled to the same parking facilities as Italian nationals if they have a disability card with the international wheelchair symbol used. Basically, as in Germany, parking is only permitted in specially signposted parking bays reserved for this purpose. “Wild parking” fines can be as follows: Motorbikes: 40.00 € - 164.00 €; Cars: 85.00 € - 338.00 €.
Parked vehicles must not have the motorized air conditioning running, penalty for infringement € 218.00 - € 435.00
References: Articles 157 and 158 Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
7. Violation of the seat belt requirement
Driver and passengers must be buckled up in Italy.
Threaten with violations 85,00 €
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
8. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and intoxicants
The fines start at at least € 530,00 (more than 0,5 to 0,8 per thousand) and can in extreme cases € 6.000,00 and a prison sentence (more than 1,5 per mille).
And there's more driving ban from at least 3 months up to 2 years and 10 points, as well as vehicle expropriation if more than 1,5 per mille. If the driver also causes a traffic accident, the fines can double.
The border is in Italy 0,5 Per mille, if you have more than 3 years of driving experience, apply if you have less driving experience 0,0 Per mille and a further tightening of the penalties above.
In the case of proven drug and drug use in road traffic: 1.500.00 € - 6.000 € + driving license disqualification + imprisonment
References: Articles 186 and 187 Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
9. Cell Phones
165, 00 €
There is a ban on cell phones. Telephoning is only permitted with a hands-free system or an (!) Ear button. If the offense is repeated within 1-2 years, the driver's license can be withdrawn for up to 3 months.
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
10. Behavior in the roundabout
As a rule, vehicles within the roundabout (rotatoria) have the right of way. This is recognizable by the "Give way" sign in front of the entrance to the roundabout. When exiting (not when entering!) from the roundabout, the turn signal must be activated, as in Germany.
Unless otherwise expressly regulated by traffic signs, in the roundabout, it applies that the vehicles entering the roundabout have right of way over the vehicles already in the roundabout (right-before-left rule).
However, these principles are not always observed in practice, so that increased caution is required at and around the roundabout in Italy.
11. Loading regulations / information on loading the vehicle
The following information is aimed primarily at athletes with bulky equipment, but also at vacationers who like to take a little more with them and are faced with the problem of where to put everything in or on the car:
As in Germany, in Italy the load protruding beyond the rear of the vehicle must be marked with a warning sign. With the warning sign is each to provide vehicle cargo that extends to the rear, even if it protrudes by less than a meter. She is z. B. to be attached if only a rear rack (with or without load) is attached, even when folded.
According to the implementing regulations, a square metal (aluminum) plate covered with reflective material must be attached to the end of the protruding part of the load so that it is always perpendicular to the direction of travel. The board must measure at least 50 × 50 cm and be hatched in red and white.
In addition, it should have a type approval. Old, already approved warning signs made of plastic may continue to be used under the condition that they are type-approved. The panels should normally be made of metal; However, exceptions with other suitable materials can be allowed.
It is not permitted to attach cargo that protrudes to the front.
In case of doubt, we recommend that you have a type-approved metal plate with you. The prices for online delivery are between 20 and 30 euros. When ordering, remember that the warning plate should already have eyelets for attachment.
A violation is currently being carried out with 85,00 € up to 338,00 € punished.
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
12. Overtaking
Overtaking is prohibited in front of and on level crossings. Trams may not be overtaken on the right when passengers get on or off. Overtaking at intersections and pedestrian crossings is prohibited. Caution is also advised with solid center lines: holidaymakers are often asked to check out if they pull out to overtake shortly before the dashed lines and cross the (still) solid line. Overtaking on hilltops and unclear roads is prohibited.
A violation is currently depending on the severity with at least 81,00 € up to a maximum 1.282 € punished and in extreme cases can result in up to 10 points and a driver's license being withdrawn.
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
13. Right of way on mountain roads
In Italy you have to give way to all public buses on mountain passes and mountain roads, unless you can drive past each other. This applies regardless of whether you are driving uphill or downhill.
References: Article Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
14. Safety vests and warning triangle
Wearing a safety vest is mandatory for all drivers when they leave the vehicle outside of built-up areas and are on the road. This applies in principle and serves as additional protection, especially in emergency situations and in bad weather conditions. cyclist By the way, you have to wear a reflective safety vest in tunnels and after dusk, if not: 25.00 € - 100.00 € Punishment.
A warning triangle must also be carried. The person who sets up the warning triangle in the event of a breakdown must also wear a safety vest, as must all persons in the breakdown vehicle as soon as they leave the vehicle.
For security reasons and to avoid fines (41,00 up to 169,00 When traveling to Italy, the safety vest should always be at hand for all occupants (price: approx. 3 euros each on Ebay).
References: Articles 68, 162, 182 Decreto Legislativo 30 April 1992, n.285 / Nuovo codice della strada
Further information, also about other EU countries, can be found here:
Sources:Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany
Last updated: 31.01.2024