A vignette is required to use the Swiss motorways! This currently costs 2017 francs (as of February 40), which is the equivalent of around 37,50 euros. Vignettes can be purchased near the border crossings or at petrol stations in or in front of Switzerland. More information about buying a vignette in Switzerland here - it is usually cheaper to buy the vignette in Swiss Francs (SFR); Although the euro is accepted in Switzerland, change is usually given in SFR. The most expensive are the vignettes at motorway service stations on the German side and just before the border.
The annual vignette is valid for 14 months: From December 1st of the previous year to January 31st of the following year!
You can also buy the vignette online here:
Post (see section "Special")
Thanks to the Schengen Agreement, only an identity card is required to enter Switzerland. Since 2009, controls have only been carried out in exceptional cases (this does not, however, apply to the commercial import of goods!)
The maximum speed on Swiss motorways is 120 km / h, on country roads 80 km / h. Speed controls are often carried out in Switzerland. There are over 100 speed traps in Zurich alone! The modern speed traps on Swiss motorways are now extremely well camouflaged. From a German point of view, speeding violations can be extremely expensive!

It is better to plan the travel time a little more generously and arrive relaxed.
Last updated: 31.01.2024